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I'm staying in Kenya as a diplomat with my wife. We have bought a car from a leaving diplomat, it was a diplomat-to-diplomat transfer. We are currently having a red licence plate for it, it's on my wife's name. We are thinking about buying another car, but we'd like to buy an older 4x4, like a land cruiser or a defender.

We were told by some people we can only do the same way, diplomat-to-diplomat transfer, but I'm curious if there's any other way? Like can I go into a used car saloon, and just buy an older 4x4, have it registered on my name, then get a red licence plate for it?

Thank you for your answer!

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
You can transfer a vehicle from a Kenyan Citizen to a Diplomat using NTSA TIMS portal. All that is needed is prove that you have an ongoing diplomatic status. In addition, you must proof that you work in a diplomatic capacity by producing valid diplomatic identification documents.

Please make sure that you have all the required documents before buying the car.
Don’t be in a hurry to buy the vehicle before you agree with the seller on the transfer process.

You can visit any NTSA office in Kenya for further clarification.

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