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in HELB Loan by (101 points)
How much of helb goes to students account

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
HELB Loan disburses between ksh. 40,000 and 60,000 per academic year to each student.

For Government sponsored students, a total of ksh. 8000 is deducted from the total disbursed per year and sent to the student’s University account as tuition fee.

Therefore, if you were awarded Ksh. 40,000 then 8000 will deducted and you will be left with Ksh. 32,000 which will be sent to the your personal bank account in two installments (first semester 16,000 and second semester 16,000).

For self-sponsored students, all the money is sent to the students’ University account as tuition fee.

During your application, HELB will look at your financial details and determine whether you deserve ksh. 40,000, 50,000, or 60,000.

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