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in KUCCPS by
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Can I still get a chance to join college through kuccps after I was placed in 2018 but failed to join

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
KUCCPS only places each student to University once. After being placed to University, college or Technical Institution and you are not in a position to report, then you can write a deferment letter to your University of placement and join in a later year.
What happens if one didn't write a deferment letter?
by (45.3k points)
If you did not write a deferment letter then you will lose your chance unless the University is gracious enough to listen to your case and give you a second chance. Visit your University Admission Department and present your case.
That is very good. A student shouldn't loose such a chance.
what if you don't write a deferment letter
by (45.3k points)
@Japheth, consult the University or College where you were placed on whether your space is still available.
I didnt differ but would wish to go back but i cant download the admission letter how will i know when to visit then

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