The school fees for studying Diploma in Welding & Fabrication for self-sponsored students varies from one technical institute to another. The average fee is Kenya Shillings 56,420 per year without Boarding and KNEC registration fee.
For example:
- Kasarani Technical institute charges ksh. 56,420 per year.
- Bureti Technical Training Institute charges Ksh. 56,420 per year
- Kenya Polytechnic University College charges Kshs: 25,000 per semester (3 semester are need to complete the course)
- Kenya Coast National Polytechnic charges Ksh. 56,420.00 per year
If you are a government sponsored student, the government will pay for you ksh. 30,000 and you will have to pay the remaining fee of KES. 26,420.
Diploma in Welding and Fabrication is offered for 2 years in most institutions.