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in HELB Loan by
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I had applied for helb loan and I received tuition money and am waiting for upkeep upto now so am asking why is it that others have gotten the money and mine has not been send and when will I get mine for this ID (...)

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
When did you receive your tuition? It takes about 3 weeks for HELB loan upkeep to reflect in your account.

If you have received the message that upkeep has been issued to your account then it takes 72 hours to reflect. Weekends and Holidays do not count.

Kindly dial *642# and check to check your disbursement report.  If your upkeep has been disbursed, you should receive a message with this status "Upkeep loan issue to student bank..."?
I got tuition fee 4days ago but I haven't received upkeep
I received a message of tuition fee but I haven't received my upkeep please help?

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