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Why is green manure not commonly used by farmers?

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by (45.3k points)
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Green manure is not commonly used by farmers because;

  • Most crops used are food crops
  • Green manure crops might use most of the soil moisture.
  • Most of the nutrients might be used by micro-organisms
  • Takes time for the green manure crop to decompose
it doesn't take exorbitant amounts of time to decompose manure with composting methods, so the ''excuse'' is lazy thinking..  Especially for animal farming.  Salatin's animal farming methods produce 400cowdays per acre compared to the ''normal'' 80...

For other composting research practices, consult Joseph Jenkins

As for the ''food crops'' excuse, the Finns did research over a decade ago to show that HUMAN URINE was 30% more productive  for cabbages, and again later for cucumbers...  AND the FOOD WAS CLEANER than when grown with usual commercial fertilizer.

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