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How to apply for Interim Driving Licence

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by (45.3k points)
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Currently, there is No option of applying for an Interim Driving License via NTSA TIMS portal. New drivers who have passed their NTSA driving test and it has been approved are required to apply for Smart Driving License.

Here is a guide on: How to apply for NTSA Smart DL

NOTE: For all those asking, note that NTSA no longer produces the interim driving license. Therefore, the  KES 750 you pay will not give you an interim driving license. However, you are required to pay the Ksh. 750.

UPDATE: You can now generate an interim driving license using this procedure.

hi so what can i use to drive as I wait for the DL to mature if there Is no Interim DL,AND AGIAN i paid 750 on tims what was it for
i paid 750 and yet the status are still showing unpaid,kindly advice
I also paid 750 and I was given NTSA invoice what does that mean
I did my exams on october but I have recieved inforamation to tell whether I passed or maybe failed
Did you get an interim to use while driving? Or you used the invoice as the Interim?
You can use the invoice as the interim to drive?
by (45.3k points)
Hello Hassan,  you can download the interim driving license using the procedure provided above.
I paid 750 and yet the status are still showing unpaid, kindly advise

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