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I bought KPLC tokens for ksh. 500 and I got 21 units? Is this normal

2 Answers

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by (45.3k points)
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Best answer

By June 17, 2023, if you buy Kenya Power tokens worth ksh. 500, you would get  about 17 to 25 units

NOTE that tokens vary depending on your usage. If you consume a lot power then you will get less units. For instance, if you use more than 100 units per month for 3 consecutive months then your rates will be lowered (you will receive fewer units as you are considered a high-power user).

UPDATE: KPLC has revised its power cost. With ksh. 500, you will now get between 17 to 25 units (we have updated this answer to reflect the changes).

Can this be reversed?
I have bought units for 500 hundred and received 19units this is not right at all
Same here
KPLC Token
Date:2022-08-17 15:23
Amt Ksh:500.00
Token Amt:288.17
Fuel Energy Charge:105.87
Forex Charge:16.72
EPRA Charge:0.68
WRA Charge:0.39
REP Charge:14.4
Inflation Adjustment:10.74.

Can you rectify this
0 votes
I bought kplc token for 500 ksh and i get 20 unit . Is it okey or what am confused because within 3 days the 500 finished
I also bought kplc token 500ksh and they finished within a week.Why??
Same to me
This is not right they said they have reduced the costs of power instead it's 31 units for kshs 500 to 22 this is seriously
by (45.3k points)
Duncan, what is not right?
Am in the same boat..this should be taken in consideration by kplc ..This rates are very high that are applied on..especially for a one bedroom house.. which I pay 5000/- monthly with token..
Same here.

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