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in Government by (11 points)
Paid my loan on 25/01/2023 but still being asked to pay to get another loan.Its almost a week now

14144041524 Confirmed. Ksh 501.65 successfully paid to HUSTLER FUND C2B on 25/01/23 at 04:27 PM. Transaction cost Ksh 0.00. Bal: Ksh 8.40.

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
This is a problem that many users have been experiencing with the hustler fund. Just ignore any messages if you have paid your loan.

Since the hustler fund is run by the government, it takes time to fix problems or even to get help.

Make sure that you have taken a screenshot of the repayment message and keep it safe as evidence if any issue arises in the future.

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