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in General by (11 points)
HELB allocates 60K per year plus a bursary, unfortunately you receive 26K per semester, accounting for the rest of money is a bit hard.Since 8K goes directly to fee but this 4K,I don't know.Does the bursary comes twice or once a year.Can somebody elaborate.For subsequent application can you get full loan if the first time you had full.

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
HELB disburses Ksh. 60,000 in two semesters (per year). The first semester you will get Ksh. 30,000 but Ksh. 4,000 will go to the school fees account and you will be left with Ksh. 26,000. The Second semester is the same.
by (11 points)
Is the bursary of 8K given twice or once in one academic year.Please clarify.

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