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in KNEC by
I did a Food and Beverage Management course in 2010 and got a referral in Foundation of accounts. I want to continue with my education, can I do the referral and get a certificate or will i have to re-do the whole course?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
KNEC rules require candidates to sit and pass all Business and Technical examinations within 3 years of initial sitting. Failure to do so you have to re-take the entire examination.

Since you did your examinations in 2010, it has been more than 3 years. You have to re-take the entire examinations.
That's  bullshit.
bullshit of the highest order, i think knec and ministry of education in kenya has always been Savages. they need to change the system
Why can't you just test that paper and the guy is already old.
He only need a pass for heaven's sake.
Can't you see you are locking many people out.
Change the rules watu wanaumia.
Nonescense! Why can't you even try to enable people to replace their lost KNEC diploma certificate after they have lost it?

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