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in NTSA by (11 points)
I have paid for my interim DL,but when I try to generate it, it states that the ID number already has a smart DL

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)
If you have a Smart DL that has not expired, why would you need an Interim DL. If you have never applied for a smart DL and the system is saying that you have one then you need to visit NTSA office to have your account details updated.

The assumption is that if you have a Smart DL you do not need an interiml DL. If it got lost, you can replace it.
What if I have applied and paid for a smart DL, but it has not been printed yet? I can't get an interim DL because the system says the ID number already has a smart DL. Am I allowed to drive before the physical smart DL is out? In the NTSA app, it says I have a valid DL.

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