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in Law by (11 points)
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I have a child but the father does not provide any form of support. I need to file for the child's support. What do I need and the process?

2 Answers

+1 vote
You need to draft or have an advocate draft for you (if you can't afford to hire one) several documents that usually initiate proceedings in such (civil) matters.

Once these are filed in the Children Court, they need to be served upon the respondent (father) so that he too can file his defense/response.

Then case will be set down for hearing. If the father denies paternity, a DNA test  may be required for proof.

At a small cost I might assist
+1 vote
by (13 points)
Contact me I will do it at a reasonable fee. draft a Plaint and other documents n serve them upon the respondent father so that he can he can file his response. Afterwards matter will be set down for hearing
Ok thanks

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