0 votes
in General by (14 points)
I'm having severe reactions all over my body. My body itches and inflammes especially around pimple like bumps. My blood sample was taken for tests and I was told that i have eczema, so I was given medications to use, and after using them I got better. But now the same symptoms have recurred.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (45.3k points)
Best answer
Eczema may or may not go away or get treated. For kids, some outgrow them For those that eczema doesn't go away, you have to live with it. Avoid irritants or triggers that may make them worse eg watch out for soaps and detergents.

Info: This response was provided by a medical practitioner.
0 votes
In such case it would be likely that you are allergic to something in ur surrounding. Eg. Food, lotion etc.
You should consult ur doctor about possible allergies.

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